We simplify the verification process in only 4 steps. You can verify your user's phone number easily and in a real-time manner.
We have the solution for your verifications system needs. Whether you use One Time Password, 2-Factor Authentication, or others, our Miscall system makes it simple, easy, and scalable.
User Friendly
It's easy for the user to understand Android even has autofill feature.
Cost Efficient
Save up to 72% and pay based on your success delivery.
Real-Time Report
Track your usage and delivery rate in real-time using our dashboard.
Simple Integration
Integration made easy with our API & Widget. See our documentation
Scale according to your needs at any time.
24/7 Support
We're always ready for you if you need anything from us.
Comparing our Miscall system with others, our system is way safer, more user-friendly, cost-efficient, and very reliable.
Here are ones of many of our customer who already uses Citcall.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Citcall?
What is Misscall Based System?
How does misscall OTP work?
What is Citcall’s coverage? Can this be used on a global scale?
Benefit Misscall OTP?
Our Misscall OTP will be charged based on success delivery not by sending request. It will give our partner a fair service in financial area.
What Citcall Provide?
Why Citcall?
Our miscall system has a unique security/ It help you secure your business from any scam made with simbox tools. They will fail to verify scam number since it will not be able to received a call.
How Big the Success Rate of Misscall OTP?
How long is duration of misscall?
How Private is Citcall Service?
Why not using other OTP method like, Facebook Account Kit?
How the get the account?
You only need to provide the email & phone number of the PIC to get the account.
How to Integrate?
Why I get Rc:98 status when I try to integrate?
What is the gateway in the Citcall document?
For best use case use gateway 0 for the initial method, if it fail then use gateway 1 for retry, and gateway 2 for second retry.
for third time, we suggest to give pop notification to inform user that they have no reception and move to other place to get a better signal.
How many retry should we give to user?
How Secure it is?
What is Concurrent?
What is SLA?
Can citcall successfully delivery the misscall OTP 100%?
however, citcall have 95% detection status rate which mean we can detect 95% accurate if the user receive the code.
If citcall have 95% detection status, then what should i do to minimize the 5%?
Why I get fail status in the callback misscall OTP?
note : most of our user that request OTP may not know if they are in the blind spot area and blame the apps if they did not get the OTP
What is the different Synchronous or Asynchronous?
Synchronous is when client server need to be connected simultaneously in the real time. Benefit : it will give real time delivery result.
Why in need to register URL callback?
How to register URL Callback for asynchronous system?
How to access the dashboard?
Can I have a personal ID prefix number instead of 3040 or 5080?
How much it cost?
How do I Pay for Top Up Balance?
Do Citcall have minimum amount for deposit?
When do I get charged?
As we use Pay as you go model, so we only charge everytime we deliver an OTP for you.
How do I Get Invoice?
Can I Charge User for OTP?
Do you have reminder when the deposit low?
Do I Need to Have Deposit or Can I Pay Later?
What is the best use UI UX for OTP?
Does User Will be Aware of Misscall OTP?
Is misscall OTP intrusive?
The annoying part is when the OTP did not receive by user. That’s where we come to help you.
How About Usage in Apps?
Do we need to show country code?
Is there any auto read option?
Is there an auto retry button?
Why there’s numbers before the last four or six (xxxx) OTP code?
from UI/UX view, it help user to know understand, more on www.github.com/citcall.
After trying to miscall, why there’s a pop-up notification says that my network is busy or unreachable?
What happens when user picked up the call?
What if misscall not arrive? What can be the problem?
Can I set Misscall as a fallback?
Can I Send Misscall OTP Manually from Our System?
Misscall system are artificially unique, Citcall is the first tech company in Indonesia that develop the system. We would like to keep our system privately as well as to keep your security more secure.
Can I Verify Manually if The System Failed?
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This bucket does not exist or is not publicly accessible at this URL. Check the URL of the bucket that you’re looking for or contact the owner to enable Public access.
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You can start trial by contacting us or put your contacts.